GMAP: A multi-Purpose Computer Program to Aid Synthetic Gene Design, Cassette mutagenesis and the Introduction of Potential Restriction Sites into DNA Sequences G P S Raghava and Girish Sahni Computer Center and Section of Molecular and Chemical Biology Institute of Microbial Technology, Sector 39A, Post box No. 1304, Chandigarh 160 014, INDIA. Address for Correspondence: G.P.S. Raghava, Scientist, IMTECH, Post Box No. 1304, Chandigarh 160 014, India. Phone +91 (172) 44252, Email: ABSTRACT A comprehensive compute program, GMAP, is described which is developed for i) mapping the potential restriction endonuclease (R.E.) sites in non-ambiguous DNA sequence, such as that of natural genes, that can be introduced in the DNA sequence with or without altering the amino acid sequence i.e. through non-silent or silent mutations; ii) predicting the number and type of mutations required to introduce unique R.E. sites in the non- ambiguous DNA sequences after a limited number (1,2 or 3 bp per R.E. site) of translationally silent/non-silent mutations; iii) searching all R.E. sites in ambiguous DNA sequence obtained by reverse translation of a given amino acid sequence; iv) searching R.E. sites in DNA sequence obtained from reverse translation of amino acid sequence employing user-defined codon usage. These facilities allow the program to be employed for the design of synthetic genes as well as the modular redesign after introducing limited base-pair mismatches in natural (wild type) genes in order to adapt them for `cassette' mutagenesis. The GMAP program uses an algorithm based on set theory which reduces the degree of complexity from an exponential to linear function of sequence length. As a consequence the speed of searching for potential R.E. sites in reverse-translated gene sequences and the prediction of new R.E. sites in natural genes by silent/non- silent mutation is moderate fast. The program has the ability to cope with non-palindromic recognition sites also. Examples are given to show the actual and potential sites determined by this program in a synthetic Ribonuclease A gene and the natural DNA sequence of Streptokinase. The DOS and VMS versions of GMAP are freely available from the EMBL netserver via e-mail. INTRODUCTION An important application of computers in biochemistry is pattern recognition in biological sequences. The need for mapping the restriction enzyme (R.E.) sites is usually fulfilled by using computers. Finding translationally silent R.E. sites in DNA sequences has become particularly important for biologists, especially those dedicated to the investigation of protein structure/function relationships. The ability to predict potential R.E. sites that are resident in an ambiguous DNA sequence, such as those obtained by reverse translation of protein amino acid sequences, allows one to construct synthetic genes with appropriately placed sites for cutting and joining DNA segments; similarly, the ability to introduce translationally silent R.E. sites by limited mutagenesis into a non-ambiguous DNA sequence (eg., the open-reading-frames of natural genes) or in a translationally non-silent manner elsewhere in genes (such as promoters and other control elements that are not expressed into proteins) permits the modular redesign of genes for `cassette' mutagenesis. The identification of pre-existing R.E. sites in DNA sequences is possible with many available programs (4). Handling non-ambiguous DNA sequences by available programs is fairly successful because little computational complexity is involved. Several specialized programs are reported to be able to manipulate ambiguous DNA sequences or even protein-coding sequences (1, 5, 9, 11). However, these programs fail to handle protein-coding sequences properly when several ambiguous amino acids are clustered. Presnell and Benner (13) use LISP to represent the protein- coding DNA sequences, but their program is unable to handle long sequences due to the immense complexity involved. For example, since the peptide sequence `Ala Ser Ile' can be represented as GCNAGYATH or GCNTCNATH, these two sequences must be examined separately to determine the placement of all R.E. sites. Thus the ambiguous amino acids (eg. argnine, leucine and serine), which have six codons, increase the complexity by 2x (where x is the occurrence of ambiguous amino acids in the amino acid sequence) (13, 20). An alternate approach was described (16, 17, 20) for reducing the complexity of searching for the presence of potential R.E. sites in target amino acid sequences. In this approach, each R.E. recognition sequence is translated into all possible peptides (from three reading frames) instead of reverse- translating protein sequences. These peptides are then searched in the given amino acid sequence and if any match is found for a R.E. specificity it indicates that R.E. site is allowed. Although this approach reduces the overall complexity of searching R.E. sites in DNA sequences, it is still quite high because each R.E. recognition sequence, having dozens of unique peptide patterns, must be separately matched against the target peptide (16, 20). Thus, these program are successfully applicable only when R.E. recognition sequences are short, do not contain any degeneracy and target DNA sequences are relatively small (17). To further shorten the complexity, Jiang et al. (7) described a generic algorithm based on set theory, which reduces the complexity from an exponential to linear function of length of sequence. The generic algorithm (7) was limited in scope to the search of R.E. sites in ambiguous DNA sequences and/or protein-coded DNA sequences. We have further extended the generic algorithm to incorporate the ability to predict the R.E. sites, which can be introduced in DNA sequence by a limited number (1, 2 or 3 bp per site) of silent mutations. This is a novel capability that is not available in most earlier programs on potential R.E. site prediction. Our algorithm is an extension of the generic algorithm of Jiang et al. (7), hence termed e-generic (e-generic for `extended' generic algorithm). A comprehensive program, GMAP, has been developed based on this algorithm for searching i) the potential R.E. sites in ambiguous DNA sequence and/or protein coded DNA sequences and ii) The R.E. sites in non- ambiguous DNA sequence, and those that can be introduced by one, two or three base-pair, site-directed, translationally silent or non-silent mutations. These facets make the program particularly useful both for the redesign of natural genes to incorporate conveniently placed R.E. sites for `cassette' mutagenesis as well as in synthetic gene design. The program is available free of cost from the EMBL netserver via e-mail in both DOS and VMS versions. ALGORITHM We have extended the generic algorithm described earlier (7) for searching R.E. sites in ambiguous DNA sequences and/or protein-coded DNA sequences so that it may also search R.E. sites in non-ambiguous DNA sequence that can be introduced by limited site-directed silent (or non-silent) mutations (1, 2 or 3 allowed mismatches per R.E. site). Basic elements of DNA sequences i.e. nucleotides (bases) can be represented as sets, and DNA sequences, whether non-ambiguous or ambiguous, can be represented as sequence of these sets. The DNA sequence or recognition sequence of restriction enzyme can be expressed as x = x1, x2, ..., xr , where set xi is A, B, C, D, G, H, K, M, N, R, S, T, V, W or Y , and set A = {A}, B = {G, C, T}, C = {C}, D = {A, G, T}, G = {G}, H = {A, C, T}, K = {T, G}, M = {C, A}, N = {A, G, C, T}, R = {A, G}, S = {C, G}, T = {T}, V = {A, G, C}, W = {A, T},Y = {C, T} (italic capitals stand for sets and normal capitals for nucleotides) (ref. 12). Let x1 and x2 be two sets, the set of intersection of both x1 ï x2 is a set that contains common elements. If there exists no common element, the result of intersection is an empty set phi = {}. In other words, x1 and x2 are said to be matched if x1 ï x2 Ø phi; and mismatched if x1 ï x2 = phi. The potential restriction sites which have one, two or three mismatches in a given DNA sequence can be searched by implementing a set of intersection operations as described below. Let x = x1, x2, ..., xr be the recognition sequence of a restriction enzyme and y = yn, yn+1, ..., yn+r-1 is the segment of natural DNA sequence of length `r' (equal to the length of R. E. recognition sequence) from n to n+r-1 . Let TSi denotes mismatch index between xi and yn+i-1. Then 1 if Xi ï Y(n+i-1) = phi TSi = { 0 otherwise Then, the total mismatches may be computed for segment length r as r TS = { TSi i=1 The TS represents the total bp mismatches between R.E. sequence and DNA segment. There will be a potential R.E. site at position `n' in DNA sequence if value of TS is zero, one, two or three (allowed mismatches) which can be introduced in the DNA sequence either without mutation (ie. a natural site), or by one, two or three bp mutations respectively. For inspecting whether this site is translationally silent or non-silent, the target DNA sequence is translated to its amino acid sequence which is then reverse translated to an ambiguous DNA sequence. Finally, the TS is calculated between R.E. sequence and segment of ambiguous DNA sequence from `n' to `n+r-1' . A TS value, zero represents a silent potential site; a TS value, 1 or higher signifies a non- silent potential site. Further details of the e-generic algorithm can be obtained by request from the authors. IMPLEMENTATION GMAP was developed on a Micro Vax II under VMS (ver. 4.6) operating system. It was written in standard Pascal and compiled with a VAX Pascal (3.5) compiler. The code was also compiled under DOS (4.01) on an IBM compatible PC/AT. It requires no special hardware or graphics to be implemented and runs under VMS or DOS. The program is interactive, fully menu driven and allows input or output of the data using files. A synthetic RNase A gene (Fig. 1) was analysed by GMAP on an IBM compatible PC/AT- 386; using GMAP, it took 63 seconds CPU time in searching for all the potential sites of 188 type II restriction enzymes (15). OPERATION OF THE PROGRAM The program GMAP is fully menu driven. Its options and sub- options are shown in Table 1. The option `Input amino acid sequence' allows the user to input the amino acid sequence (in single or three letter code) using keyboard or text file, and also allows one to create and update the amino acid sequence file. The sequence data obtained from PIR or NBRF can also be directly used to create the input amino acid sequence file. The option `Input DNA sequence file' allows one to create and update the DNA sequence file. The data can be inputted using keyboard or from text (or ASCII) file, so that the sequence data extracted from GenBank or EMBL can be directly used for creating a DNA sequence file. This option also allows one to convert amino acid sequence into DNA sequence by using a user-defined codon preference table. The option `Input restriction enzyme sequence' allows the user to create and update the restriction enzyme data file. The prototype restriction endonuclease recognition sequences of type II enzymes (15) are already stored in a file. The `Input Codon Usage Table' allows one to create and update the codon preference table. A file containing the codons preferred by E. coli (19) is included with the program. The `Search R.E. sites in amino acid sequence' option allows the user to i) search for all the R.E. sites in fully ambiguous DNA sequence obtained from reverse translation of amino acid sequence ii) search the sites for a specific restriction enzyme in reverse translated ambiguous DNA sequence iii) reverse translate a given amino acid sequence into fully or partially ambiguous DNA sequence or into completely non-ambiguous DNA sequence using user-defined codon preference iv) search all R.E. sites in partial (or non-ambiguous) DNA sequence obtained from reverse translation of amino acid sequence employing user defined codon preference table v) search the sites for user-specified enzyme in partially ambiguous or completely non-ambiguous DNA sequence obtained from reverse translation of amino acid sequence with user-defined codon usage. The `Search R.E. sites in DNA sequences' option allows the user to i) search all the potential R.E. sites which can be introduced in DNA sequence by limited site-directed silent/non- silent mutagenesis, and the number of mutations required to introduce a site ii) search the potential sites for a specific restriction enzyme, which can be introduced in DNA sequence by site-directed silent/non-silent mutagenesis, and the number of mutations required to introduce a site iii) translate the DNA sequence into amino acid sequence iv) search the preexisting sites of all R.E.'s in DNA sequence, and v) search existing sites of a specific R.E. in the DNA sequence. The `Output DNA/Amino acid/R.E./Codon usage table' option allows the display (or printout or save in file) of the amino acid sequence, DNA sequence, restriction enzyme data and codon preference usage table. Besides the main options and sub options there are other options which allow the user to output the results in the desired format (Table 1). The program has ability to cope with both palindromic and non-palindromic recognition sites. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Protein engineering by genetic means is currently one of the foremost techniques of studying the relationship between structure and function of a protein. Recombinant DNA technology, particularly the use of the relatively straightforward PCR methods, allows the facile incorporation of site-specific alterations in amino acid sequence by modifying the target DNA (6, 18). This approach is greatly facilitated if a given (wild- type) gene is so altered (by prior, limited mutagenesis) as to allow the ready replacement of a DNA segment (`cassette') of the gene with another (synthetic or PCR-generated) segment that codes for the desired alteration in the protein sequence. The alternative to this semi-synthetic approach is the complete redesign of genes by DNA synthesis methods. Here, suitable cassettes can be predesigned at will by introducing appropriately placed translationally silent R.E. sites into the sequence (8, 13, 20). In this case, the `sequence space' can be further limited by restricting the usage of the codons for different amino acids based on the relative frequencies of their use in the host organism employed for the expression of the designed gene (19). Thus, the prediction of `silent' R.E. sites in target sequences is of great importance in protein engineering projects. The Program GMAP is suitable both for the design of totally synthetic genes based on protein sequence (ambiguous DNA sequence), as well as the redesign of natural genes, with non- ambiguous DNA sequences, by limited site-specific mutagenesis in order to obtain a modular `cassette' arrangement. The program has been successfully implemented for achieving both the objectives using two examples, namely that of RNase A and Streptokinase. One particular advantage that `custom-tailored', synthesis-based gene design enjoys over the manipulation of natural genes is the possibility of altering the codon preferences (19) for different amino acids in the protein in consonance with the requirements of various host-cell protein synthesis machineries. In this case too, GMAP offers the option of restricting codon preferences to user-defined dictates. Thus, instead of a totally non- preferential usage of the respective codons for different amino acids, a partially ambiguous DNA sequence is generated by reverse translation of the amino acid sequence according to specified codon usage, which is then analysed for mapping unique potential R.E. sites that are translationally silent. The user could then incorporate any or all of these sites into the final DNA sequence chosen for synthesis. The applicability of GMAP to de novo gene design has been tested using the example of RNase A (Figs. 1 and 2). The amino acid sequence of RNase A is well known, and this protein has served as a favorite model system for numerous protein structure- function studies over the years (2, 3). The amino acid sequence of RNase A was reverse-translated by GMAP into DNA sequences with varying degrees of ambiguity due to different codon usage (Fig. 1). The maps of unique R.E. sites either in the totally non- ambiguous DNA sequence (choosing only a single, most frequently used, E. coli codon for each amino acid), or partially ambiguous DNA sequence (using only the relatively more highly used codons of E. coli), or totally ambiguous DNA sequence (choosing all degenerate codons) were then determined (Fig. 2). The example of RNase A clearly illustrates the successful applicability of GMAP for predicting the useful R.E. sites to be designed in the different region of a gene with different codon preference constraints during its de novo synthesis. Despite a relative limitation on the degree of freedom of sequence choice due to restriction on codon usage, an adequate number of unique sites is still available in RNase A in the case of the partially- and fully-degenerate DNA sequences that permit the design of a gene with a cassette arrangement useful for its (future) mutagenenic manipulation. In cases where this may not be possible, one has the option of exploring double-, triple- and higher order- cutter R.E. sites for possible manipulation. In such cases, potential site/s resident in the area of interest can be retained while sites elsewhere for the same enzyme can be simply abolished (in a translationally silent manner) if feasible on the basis of sequence degeneracy. Although gene design by total de novo synthesis is a powerful tool for protein engineering , a convenient, albeit somewhat less powerful, approach is to investigate natural genes for the possibility of introducing new R.E. sites into the non-ambiguous DNA sequence through a limited number of base-pair mismatches. Since most of the cloned genes are of natural origin rather than chemically synthesized in vitro, the ability to manipulate wild- type genes for protein engineering purposes is of special interest to molecular biologists. Apart from conferring advantages during modular mutagenesis, the placement of unique R.E. site/s (RFLPs) near or within a target sequence to mark that gene or mutagenesis event also provides an useful tool in genetic experiments. This feature is clearly illustrated in the example of Streptokinase, an important thrombolytic protein (Fig. 3). The known DNA sequence of Streptokinase (10) was first analyzed by GMAP for naturally present, single-cutter (i.e., unique) R.E. sites (column 1 in Fig. 3). Although several sites are placed uniformly throughout most of the gene (a key consideration in obtaining a modular arrangement of cassettes in genes), several segments (indicated by boxes, marked A, B and C in column 1) lack such sites. However, upon limited mismatching (i.e 1, 2 or 3-bp per R.E. site), several new, unique sites are seen to appear (see corresponding boxes in column 2 in Fig. 3). The choice is even further extended when new double- and triple-cutter enzyme sites (3rd and 4th columns, respectively) are explored. In this case, the user has the option of scrutinizing the potential double- , triple- or quadruple- cutter sites permissible in the sequence after limited mismatching, and then allow only those sites that allow the placement of a unique site in the area of interest while leaving other sites intact. It may be mentioned here that only those sites that are generated upon one-bp mismatching have been shown in Fig. 3 (because they turned out to be adequate for the example chosen). In cases where this is not adequate, the ensemble of potential R.E. sites permissible through 2, 3 or a higher order of bp mismatching will likely be sufficiently vast to permit the introduction of useful sites virtually in any region of a gene. Alternatively, if one wishes to incorporate potential R.E. sites into DNA that can be generated only by altering the encoded amino acid sequence, GMAP offers this option to the user. This scenario is particularly useful when the constraint of `translation silence' is not needed for the mutagenesis of regions other than the open-reading-frames, such as the control elements of genes. A pertinent example of this type of application is when enhancing the expression of whole genes by cassette mutagenesis wherein one desires to cut just outside of a coding region in order to fuse it to a stronger promoter. Availability GMAP is freely available either by request from authors or from the EMBL (source code and compiled programs for VAX/VMS and DOS computers) via electronic mail (e- mail) and anonymous file transfer (ftp). E-mail can be sent to the internet address of EMBL (14): `NETSERV@EMBL-HEIDELBERG.DE', by typing the following commands (only one per line in the body of the message): HELP DOS_SOFTWARE GET DOS_SOFTWARE:GMAP.UUE OR HELP VAX_SOFTWARE GET VAX_SOFTWARE:GMAP.UUE This provides the programs in an uue-encoded form which can be processed according to the information given in the HELP files. Alternatively, fully functional programs can be obtained via file transfer (ftp) from `FTP.EMBL-HEIDELBERGE.DE' ( by giving the username ANONYMOUS and the full own e-mail address as password. The DOS program GMAP can be obtained by switching the directory (command: CD PUB/SOFTWARE/DOS), looking for available files (command: DIR), altering the transfer-mode to binary (command: BINARY), and ordering the desired program (command GET GMAP$.EXE). After transfer, the ftp-session is terminated (command:QUIT). GMAP$.EXE is self-unstuffing DOS application, providing the interested user with the program, all necessary files and a read-me document. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This is communication no. 019/93 from the Institute of Microbial Technology, Chandigarh, India and was supported by grants from the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research & the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India. The authors are grateful for the suggestions offered by the anonymous referees. 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