Enquiry/ Feedback

  • Telephone +91-172-2880201, 2880202

Mr. Rishi D. Shankar (Administrative Officer)

  • Email: ao[at]imtech[dot]res[dot]in, shankar[at]imtech[dot]res[dot]in
  • Telephone +91-172-2880102, 2880103
MTCC (Curator Microbial Type Culture Collection and Gene Bank)
  • Phone +91-172-2690562
  • Fax: +91-172-2695215
  • E.mail: head[dot]mtcc[at]imtech[dot]res[dot]in
Project Management & Business Development Division

Dr Manoj Kumar

  • Telephone +91-172-2880141
  • headpmbd[at]imtech[dot]res[dot]in
  • manojk[at]imtech[dot]res[dot]in

For detailed Telephone Directory click here

PhD Coordinator

Dr Balvinder Singh

  • Phone +91-172-2880309
  • E.mail: bvs[at]imtech[dot]res[dot]in / phd[at]imtech[dot]res[dot]in
Guest House
  • gh[at]imtech[dot]res[dot]in
  • Telephone +91-172-2880650
Right to Information (RTI)
  • Central Public Information Officer (CPIO)
  • cpio-imt[at]imtech[dot]res[dot]in
  • Click here for more details about Public Info Officers

Enquiry/ Feedback: Related to website and digital media

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Solve this simple maths problem and enter the result. E.g. for 1+3, enter 4.

Last Modified Date:- 16-09-2024