Dr. Barnali Chaudhuri
Senior Principal Scientist
Chaudhuri received her PhD in the area of protein crystallography with Prof. Alwyn Jones, at the Uppsala University, Sweden. She worked with Prof. Janet Smith, Purdue University, on biosynthetic enzymes with substrate tunnels, and with Prof. Todd Yeates, UCLA, as a part of the Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Structural Genomics consortium.
Later, she started her own lab at the Hauptman-Woodward Institute, Buffalo, and initiated her research program to study bacterial chromosomal origin segregation motors using an integrative or hybrid approach. Latter, she taught at the South Asian University (SAARC), New Delhi, before joining IMTECH in 2015 to continue her research program.
- Photon factory Highlights. Anomalous solution scattering for protein structure modelling. K. Virk , K. Yonezawa, K. Choukate, L. Singh, N. Shimizu and B. Chaudhuri. ( https://www2.kek.jp/imss/pf/eng/science/publ/pfhl/)
- Virk, Yonezawa, Choukate, Singh, Shimizu and Chaudhuri. K-edge anomalous SAXS for protein solution structure modelling. Acta Crystallographica D., accepted (2021).
- Choukate, K and Chaudhuri, BN. Structural basis of self-assembling in the lipid binding domain of mycobacterial polar growth factor Wag31. IUCrJ, in press, 2020.
- Choukate, K., Gupta, A., Basu, B., Virk, K., Ganguli, M., Chaudhuri, B. Higher order assembling of the mycobacterial polar growth factor DivIVA/Wag31 Journal of Structural Biology, in press , 2019. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsb.2019.107429) .
- Book Editor: B Chaudhuri, IG Muñoz, S Qian, VS Urban. Biological Small Angle Scattering: Techniques, Strategies and Tips. - Part of the Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology book series (AEMB, volume 1009), Springer, 2017.
- Chaudhuri BN. Emerging applications of small angle solution scattering in structural biology. Review article. Protein Sci. 2015 24(3):267-76.
- Chaudhuri BN, Dean R. The evidence of large-scale DNA-induced compaction in the mycobacterial chromosomal ParB.J Mol Biol. 2011 Nov 11;413(5):901-7.
- Chaudhuri BN, Gupta, S., Urban, V. S., Chance, M. R., DMello, R. Smith, R., Lyons, K. and Gee, J. (2011) A combined global and local approach to elucidate spatial organization of the mycobacterial ParB-parS partition assembly. Biochemistry, 50 (11), 1799-807.
- Chaudhuri, BN, Chan, S., Perry, J. and Yeates, TO. (2004) Crystal structure of the apo forms of 55 tRNApseudouridine synthase from M. Tuberculosis: a hinge at the base of the catalytic cleft. J Biol Chem. 279, 24585 – 91.
- Chaudhuri, BN, Sawaya M, Kim CY, Waldo GS, Park MS, Terwilliger TC and Yeates, TO. (2003) The Crystal structure of the first enzyme in the pantothenate biosynthetic pathway, ketopantoatehydroxymethyltransferase, from M. Tuberculosis.Structure, 11, 753-64.
- Chaudhuri BN, Lange SC, Myers RS, Chittur SV, Davisson VJ and Smith JL. (2001) Crystal Structure of Imidazole Glycerol Phosphate Synthase: A Tunnel through a (b/a)8 Barrel Joins Two Active Sites. Structure, 10, 987-97.
- Chaudhuri BN, Kleywegt GJ, Bjorkman J, Lehman-McKeeman LD, Oliver JD, Jones TA. (1999) The structures of alpha 2u-globulin and its complex with a hyaline droplet inducer.ActaCrystallogr D BiolCrystallogr.55, 753-62.
Last Modified Date:- 17-12-2024