Dr. Saumya Ray Chaudhuri
Chief Scientist
After 3 years of post-doctoral training in two different fields (Ribosomology in the lab of Late Prof James (Jim) Ofengand and Ocular Gene therapy with Dr. Richard L. Hurwitz), I have started working in the field of microbial genetics and microbial physiology in CSIR- IMTECH. The current focus of my lab moves around the microbial world. Like us, microbes talk, decide and coordinate functions which are required for their sustenance in diverse environments. Currently, we are working with Vibrio cholerae, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Escherichia coli as model organisms. The major areas are i) Quorum sensing: Microbial chatter; ii) Budding yeast model system to study virulence factors; iii) Metabolic fitness and its outcome on bacterial community.
- Dongre, M., Singh, N. S., Dureja, C., Pedda, N., Solanki, A. K., Ashish., and Raychaudhuri. S (2011). Evidence on how a conserved glycine in the hinge region of HapR regulates its DNA binding ability: lessons from a natural variant. J. Biol. Chem. 286, 15043-9.
- Sengupta, C., Ekka, M., Arora, S., Dhaware, P. D., Chowdhury, R., and Raychaudhuri, S. (2017). Cross feeding of glucose metabolism byproducts of Escherichia coli human gut isolates and probiotic strains affect survival of Vibrio cholerae. Gut Pathog. 9, 1-4.
- Bankapalli,L.,K., Mishra, R. C., and Raychaudhuri, S. (2017). VopE, a Vibrio cholerae Type III Effector, Attenuates the Activation of CWI-MAPK Pathway in Yeast Model System. Front. Cell. Infect. Microbiol. 20, 1-17.
- Cláudia Bessa, Joana Soares, Liliana Raimundo, Joana B. Loureiro, Célia Gomes, Flávio Reis, Miguel L. Soares, Daniel Santos, Chetna Dureja, Saumya R. Chaudhuri, Cynthia Lopez-Haber, Marcelo G. Kazanietz, Jorge Gonçalves, Maria F. Simões, Patrícia Rijo and Lucília Saraiva. Discovery of a small-molecule protein kinase Cδ-selective activator with promising application in colon cancer therapy. Cell Death Dis. 2018 Jan 18;9(2):23. doi: 10.1038/s41419-017-0154-9.
- Nag D, Breen P, Raychaudhuri S, Withey JH. Glucose metabolism by Escherichia coli inhibits Vibrio cholerae intestinal colonization of zebrafish. Infect Immun. 2018 Sep 24. pii: IAI.00486-18. doi: 10.1128/IAI.00486-18. [Epub ahead of print]
Last Modified Date:- 12-06-2024