
CSIR-IMTECH Dissertation Program-2025

About Program

CSIR-Institute of Microbial Technology (CSIR-IMTECH), invites exceptionally motivated students to undertake research training under dissertation program at CSIR-IMTECH. CSIR-IMTECH is a multidisciplinary institute with excellent research facilities, state of the art computational and library facilities, and faculty with research interests in frontier areas of modern biology and biotechnology (please visit our website http://www.imtech.res.in for information on different areas and faculty activities).

Mandate: The Program is aimed to introduce exceptional students to the basic techniques used in Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Protein Sciences, Cell Biology, Immunology, preclinical research, Bioinformatics, Fermentation Technology, Biosensors, Medicinal Chemistry, Computer Science and Engineering through bench work for 6 months.

Who Can Apply

Students Pursuing M.Sc., M. Pharma, M. Tech., B. Pharma, B. Tech., MCA and equivalent from UGC recognized Universities to undertake research training towards partial fulfillment of their degree. The minimal eligibility criterion for consideration of the requests is first division or an equivalent grade (or at least 60% of aggregate scores) in all major examinations starting from the secondary school examination onwards. The selected students will be assigned to a Faculty/scientist who will mentor him/her during the training period. Each student is required to complete a small research project work under the guidance of the scientist. At the end of the program, student will need to submit a ‘Project Report’ of the work done and on successful completion of the program, the students will be awarded a certificate.

Number of seats: 30. The number of trainees’ intake varies and depends upon the availability of bench space with different scientists of IMTECH. Decision of the competent authority would be final regarding number of seats for intake. Five seats are reserved for the children of serving CSIR employees.

How to apply

Candidates can apply using online application form available at IMTECH website. Along with the application, candidates have to upload a Statement of Purpose (SOP), a letter of recommendation from his/her guide and an authorization letter/bonafide certificate (certifying that the candidate is pursuing degree program) issued by Head of the University / College / Institute.

Declaration of selection:

A screening cum selection committee constituted by the Director, IMTECH will select the students. The decision of the Director, CSIR-IMTECH, regarding selection of the candidates shall be final. The decision of selection will be displayed on website of IMTECH in the month of December 2023. Canvassing in any form and/or bringing in any influence, political or otherwise will be treated as a disqualification.

Duration: 6 Months (No provision of extension in duration of Dissertation Program).

The training can be undertaken for a maximum of six months between January to December 2024. Actual dates of training will be decided based on mutual consent between the selected candidate and the faculty through Coordinator, Dissertation Program, CSIR-IMTECH.

In cases where the applicant joins the program and wants to discontinue without completion of the program (minimum residency period of 4 months), no certificate will be provided.

Important Dates
  • Last date of Application: 21st October 2024
  • Intimation to selected applicants: November 06, 2024
  • Last date of submission of fee: November 13, 2024 up to 5.00 PM
  • In case of non-receipt of fees, seats will be offered to waiting list applicants after November 13, 2024
Fee Details

After completion of selection process, successful candidates will be informed to make payment online to the Director, IMTECH account (Account No. 30267007362).

Fee: Rs. 25,000 + 18 % GST (GST would be as per GOI norms issued from time to time). Fee once paid is non-refundable.

Boarding and Lodging

CSIR-IMTECH will not provide any financial support for the training/ boarding/ lodging. The students will have to make their own arrangement for stay during the program. However, CSIR-IMTECH may consider specific requests from outstation students only, for shared accommodation depending upon the availability of the same (Rs. 5000/-; plus, electricity and mess charges as per actual, will be applicable as per CSIR-IMTECH rules).

certifying that the candidate is pursuing degree program(certifying that the candidate is pursuing degree program, click here for format) Format - PDF,Size - 81.4 KB, Language - English

List of selected candidates for the Six-month Dissertation Program-2024List of selected candidates for the Six-month Dissertation Program-2024 Format - PDF,Size - 2.3 MB, Language - English

wordClick here to download the proforma for NDA Format - Word,Size - 12.4 KB, Language - English


Coordinator, Skill Development, CSIR-IMTECH

Email: internship[at]imtech[dot]res[dot]in Phone no: +91-172- 2880186


Applications are Invited for Engaging Interns for CVC Internship SchemeApplications are Invited for Engaging Interns for CVC Internship Scheme for the Financial Year 2019-20

Click here for details and application form.Format - PDF, Size - 1,779 KB, Language - English

Last Modified Date:- 13-02-2025