Special Scientific Lecture on Defining cellular metabolic phenotypes by Isotopic Tracing and 13C Fluxomics – strategies, challenges and applications

23 - July -2024    Duration: 11:00 AM To 12:00 PM


Title of talk:        Defining cellular metabolic phenotypes by Isotopic Tracing and 13C Fluxomics – strategies, challenges and applications


Date and Time23rd  (Tuesday) July 2024 at 11:00 AM


Venue:               Seminar Hall, main building


Abstract of the talk:

Systems biology is the study of interacting networks of cellular components - genes, proteins, metabolites and biochemical reactions. The metabolite profiles and fluxes within complex metabolic networks constitute the final output of these interactions that defines the cellular metabolic phenotype. Metabolic systems biology of cells in response to environmental, nutritional and genetic perturbations explains the control of metabolism that can be explored for biotechnological and agricultural applications. This talk will cover the strategies and challenges associated with defining precise metabolic phenotypes of microbial systems using parallel 13C tracers ([13C]glucose/[13C]glutamine) and the isotopic dilution strategies we adopt. In addition, the talk will cover how integrating genome assisted pathway analysis with isotopomer based approaches are helping us decipher novel metabolic insights.

Please join the seminar as per the above-mentioned date and time.