Biochemical Engineering


The facility is well equipped with upstream and downstream processing units and various utilities for production of high value/ low volume and low volume/ high value products. It has been used in house for development of protein therapeutics (e.g., recombinant streptokinase and recombinant staphylokinase), enzymes (e.g., α-amylase, alkaline proteases, laccase, xylanase), bioactives (cerulomycin, antimicrobial peptides) and other chemicals/ biochemical (ethanol, pullulan, bacteriorhodopsin, sophrolipids) and offered to other academic and industrial clients for bioprocess optimization and scale up and production of therapeutic proteins for toxicology studies and clinical trials.

Major Instrument Facility (MIF)

Biochemical Engineering Research and Process Development Center (BERPDC), a fermentation facility, funded Jointly by DBT and Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), was established in 1986 in the Institute of Microbial Technology (IMTECH) chandigarh. It is one of Indias largest and most sophisticated centers for research in technology development, process optimization and scale up in the field of biochemical engineering. The center is equipped with state of the art facilities to carry out cutting edge research in the area of fermentation technology and is backed by excellent analytical facilities. The fully computerized pilot plant, for complete scale up and optimization is among the best of its type in India.

The facility has been catering to the fermentation requirements of various users from the Industry and other research and development establishment. The main objective of our fermentation facilities are to do research and provide services to the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries. This unit of IMTECH has developed and transferred technology on biochemical processes and biopharmaceuticals like natural streptokinase, recombinant streptokinase, recombinant staphylokinase, urokinase, thermotolerent yeast for alcohol production, alkaline protease and alpha amylase. Few of those technology have already been commercialized. At present fermentation scientist are working on new generation thrombolytics and technology platforms on high cell density bacterial and yeast fermentation, exopolysaccharides like pullulan, xanthum gum, bacteriorhodopsin and biosurfactants.

Major Instrument Facility (MIF) Major Instrument Facility (MIF)
  • Fermentation
  • Downstream Processing
  • Bioincubators (Including cGMP facility for biopharmaceuticals)
Downstream Processing Facility

Bioincubators (Including cGMP facility for biopharmaceuticals)

Technologies Developed


  • Transferred high efficient alcohol technology to McDowel &Co, Bangalore.
  • Transferred natural streptokinase to cadila Pharmaceuticals, Ahmedabad.
  • Transferred recombinant alkaline protease and alpha amylase to Celestial Labs, Hyderabad.
  • Transferred recombinant streptokinase production process to Shasun Drugs and chemicals, Chennai.
  • Transferred clot specific streptokinase CSSK, Nostrum Pharma USA.
  • Transferred PEGylated clot specific streptokinase to Nostrum Pharma USA
  • Transferred recombinant streptokinase technology to Epygen, Mumbai.

Technology under development

  • Microbial production of pullulan
  • Microbial production of sophorolipids
  • Colour shift protein film.

Industrial Collaboration

I. Industries We Served

  • Nostrum Pharmaceuticals
  • DSM, Netherlands.
  • McDowel & Co, Bangalore
  • Cadila Pharmaceuticals, Ahmedabad.
  • Biologicals Evans Limited, Hyderabad.
  • Shasun Drugs and chemicals, Chennai.
  • Strides Acrolabs, Bangalore
  • Kopran Drugs
  • Epygen Biotech, Mumbai
  • Symmetrix Biotech Pvt Ltd, Mumbai.
  • Backons Industries Ltd, Mohali.
  • Max-GB, Ropar
  • SPIC, Chennai.
  • Punjab Agro Industries Limited, Chandigarh.
  • Transgene Biotech, Hyderabad.
  • Dabur India Ltd, Ghaziabad.
  • Vam organics Ltd UP.
  • Bigtec, Bangalore
  • Celestial Labs Ltd, Hyderabad.
  • M/S Praneet Environ Tech, Chandigarh and others.

II. Ongoing Industrial Projects

Jobs Undertaken

  • Strain Improvement
  • Feasibility studies of Fermentation process
  • Media and process Optimization
  • Fermentation scale up
  • Downstream Processing
  • Inhouse technology development
  • Teaching and Human resource development
  • Contract, Consultancy and Sponsored projects.


Institute of Microbial Technology
Sector 39A, Chandigarh 160036
Telephone +91-172-2690785, 2690684
FAX +91-172-2690585, 2690132
Email :director[at]imtech[dot]res[dot]in

Equipment Usage Cost

Note: the equipment usage charge is only one component of the total project cost and total project cost will be calculated case to case basis as per “CSIR Guidelines for Technology Transfer and Utilization of Knowledgebase-2017”. For any further information write to: headpmbd[at]imtech[dot]res[dot]in

Last Modified Date:- 13-02-2025