
Content Archival Policy (CAP)

The content components are created with source, metadata and validity date. Validity of some of the components may not be known at the time of creation. Such content will be treated as perpetual and the validity date shall be decided accordingly from the date of creation. The content shall not be displayed on the Website after the validity date.

Some of the short lived content components like Events, News, tenders, recruitment etc which will not have any relevance on the website after the event or intended purpose, but few with greater significance can stay there for longer period. The content components like documents, reports, what’s new, and forms are to be regularly reviewed as per the Content Review Policy.

The content is to be reviewed at least two weeks prior to the validity date and if required revalidate the content and modify the validity date. If content is not relevant, then the content will archived and no longer published on the Website.

The expired contents components such as documents, OMs, Events, Tenders, Notices etc will needed to be archived. The content Element on the CSIR-IMTech Website will have different Entry/Exit Policy and Archival Policy as enlisted below:

Content/Current headings on web site Entry to Archive Exit Policy
Content/Current headings on web site Entry to Archive Exit Policy
Welcome Not Required 6 Months
About IMTECH/CSIR, Mandate, Annual Reports, CSIR, RC-MC, Organizational Chart etc. As soon as change occurred 6 Months
Focus Areas addition/revision Not Required Not Required
Information on  “Infrastructure” Not Required Not Required
Collaborations, Technology transferred and Technology Development Perpetual Not Required
Research Publications, Patents, Copyrights, Awards, and Annual reports etc. Perpetual Not Required
Permanent and temporary Staff –Names, designation, email id etc. As soon as it loses relevance. 6 months
Bio-data Submission/Update Not Required Not Required
Alumni After 5 years 1 Year
RTI Issued through the gazette/ Passed by the Central or State Government Not Required
PhD Programme Not Required Not Required
Training and Workshop As soon as it loses relevance. 6 months
Events, News, Recruitment As soon as it loses relevance. Automatically after the expiry of the validity period.
Tenders As soon as it loses relevance. 6 months
Forms As soon as change occurred Not Required
Telephone Directory As soon as change occurred Not Required
Content Moderation and Approval Policy (CMAP)

The content to be published on the CSIR-IMTech website will be contributed by the contributors (Focus Area Coordinators, Scientists, CoA, Facility In-charge etc.) in a presentable manner with relevant images and videos to maintain impact and richness of the website. In order to present the content as per the requirement of the viewer, the content would be categorized and to retrieve the relevant content efficiently, and the content is contributed to the website through a Content Management System (CMS) which would be web-based having user-friendly interface for designated admin, and sub-admins.

Once the content will be contributed it will be approved and moderated prior to being published on the CSIR-IMTech website. The moderation could be multilevel and is role based. If the content is rejected at any level then it is reverted back to the originator of the content for modification

Content/Current headings on web site Contributor and Approver Moderator>
Welcome Director’s Office/Sh Garry Bedi BVS / HJ/ CSS
About IMTECH/CSIR, Mandate, Annual Reports, CSIR, RC-MC, Organizational Chart etc. Director’s office with help of PTM (Sh R Soni) BVS / HJ/ CSS
Research Areas addition/revision Directors’ Office (Sh R Soni) BVS / HJ/ CSS
Information on“Infrastructure” Head, Instrumentation/Director’s Office: final ok BVS / HJ/ CSS
Collaborations, Technology transferred and Technology Development Head, BDG BVS / HJ/ CSS
Research Publications, Patents, Copyrights, Awards, and Annual reports etc. Head, PTM BVS / HJ/ CSS
Permanent and temporary Staff –Names, designation, email id etc. CoA, Administration BVS / HJ/ CSS
Bio-data Submission/Update Scientist in individual capacity BVS / HJ/ CSS
Alumni Office of JNU-PhD programme (phd@imtech.res.in) and Dr. Ashish BVS / HJ/ CSS
RTI CoA, Administration BVS / HJ/ CSS
PhD Programme Coordinator, JNU-Ph.D Programme (Dr S Karthikeyan/ Dr Charu Sharma) BVS / HJ/ CSS
Training and Workshop convener/ in-charge of the such programme BVS / HJ/ CSS
Recruitment CoA, Administration after whetting by Directors’ office BVS / HJ/ CSS
Tenders SPO with knowledge of CoA, Administration BVS / HJ/ CSS
Forms CoA, Administration BVS / HJ/ CSS
Telephone Directory Dr. CR Suri/In-charge Telephone services with help of technical staff BVS / HJ/ CSS
Content Review Policy (CRP)

All possible efforts needed will be taken to keep the content on the Website current and up-to-date. This Content Review Policy defines the roles and responsibilities of the website content review and the manner in which it need to be carried out. Review Policies are defined for the diverse content elements.

The Review Policy is based on different type of content elements, its validity and relevance as well as the archival policy.

The entire website content would be reviewed for syntax checks fortnightly by the IT Deptt.

Content Element Frequency of Review Reviewer
Welcome Yearly Director’s Office/Sh Garry Bedi
About IMTECH/CSIR, Mandate, Annual Reports, CSIR, RC-MC, Organizational Chart etc. Yearly /Immediate- if change in Info Director’s office with help of PTM (Sh R Soni)
Research Areas addition/revision Half-yearly/ Immediate-if new projects or team members introduced Directors’ Office (Sh R Soni)
Information on “Infrastructure” Yearly Head, Instrumentation/Director’s Office: final ok
Collaborations, Technology transferred and Technology Development Half-Yearly /Immediate- if change in Info Head, BDG
Research Publications, Patents, Copyrights, Awards, and Annual reports etc. Immediate- if change in Info Head, PTM / Sh Garry Bedi
Permanent and temporary Staff –Names, designation, email id etc. Immediate- if change in Info CoA, Administration
Bio-data Submission/Update Immediate- if change in Info Scientist in individual capacity
Alumni Yearly Office of JNU-PhD programme ([at]imtech[dot]res[dot]in ) and Dr. Ashish (Dr Pradip Chakraborti)
RTI Yearly / Immediate in case of any change CoA, Administration
PhD Programme Yearly/Immediate in case of an event Coordinator, JNU-Ph.D Programme (Dr S Karthikeyan/ Dr Charu Sharma)
Skill Development, Jigyasa, Training and Workshop Yearly/ Immediate in case of an event convener/ in-charge of the such programme
Recruitment Immediate in case of an event CoA, Administration after whetting by Directors’ office
Tenders Quarterly Immediate in case of an event SPO with knowledge of CoA, Administration
Forms Yearly/Immediate in case of an event CoA, Administration
Telephone Directory Yearly/Immediate in case of an event Dr. CR Suri/In-charge Telephone services with help of technical staff
Copyright Policy

Material featured on the website of CSIR-IMTech may be reproduced free of charge after taking proper permission by sending a mail to us at director[at]imtech[dot]res[dot]in[dot] However, the material has to be reproduced accurately and not to be used in a derogatory manner or in a misleading context. Wherever the material is being published or issued to others, the source must be prominently acknowledged. However, the permission to reproduce this material shall not extend to any material which is identified as being copyright of a third party. Authorisation to reproduce such material must be obtained from the departments/copyright holders concerned.

Hyperlinking Policy
Links to external websites/portals

At many places in this website, you shall find links to other websites/portals. The links have been placed for your convenience. CSIR-IMTech is not responsible for the contents and reliability of the linked websites and does not necessarily endorse the views expressed in them. Mere presence of the link or its listing on this Portal should not be assumed as endorsement of any kind. We cannot guarantee that these links will work all the time and we have no control over availability of linked pages.

Links to CSIR-IMTech Website by other websites

We do not object to you linking directly to the information that is hosted on this site and no prior permission is required for the same. However, we would like you to inform us about any links provided to this website so that you can be informed of any changes or updations therein. Also, we do not permit pages of CSIR-IMTech website to be loaded into frames on your site. The pages belonging to this site must load into a newly opened browser window of the User.

Privacy Policy

CSIR-IMTech website does not automatically capture any specific personal information from you, (like name, phone number or e-mail address), that allows us to identify you individually.

If the CSIR-IMTech requests you to provide personal information, you will be informed for the particular purposes for which the information is gathered and adequate security measures will be taken to protect your personal information.

We do not sell or share any personally identifiable information volunteered on the CSIR-IMTech website to any third party (public/private). Any information provided to this website will be protected from loss, misuse, unauthorized access or disclosure, alteration, or destruction.

We gather certain information about the User, such as Internet protocol (IP) addresses, domain name, browser type, operating system, the date and time of the visit and the pages visited. We make no attempt to link these addresses with the identity of individuals visiting our site unless an attempt to damage the site has been detected.

Terms & Conditions

This official website of the "CSIR-Institute of Microbial Technology, Chandigarh" has been developed to provide information to the general public. The documents and information displayed in this website are for reference purposes only and does not purport to be a legal document.

CSIR-IMTech does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information, text, graphics, links or other items contained within the Website. As a result of updates and corrections, the web contents are subject to change without any notice from "CSIR or CSIR-Institute of Microbial Technology, Chandigarh" at CSIR-IMTech website.

In case of any variance between what has been stated and that contained in the relevant Act, Rules, Regulations, Policy Statements etc., the latter shall prevail.

Any specific advice or replies to queries in any part of the website is/are the personal views / opinion of such experts/consultants/persons and are not necessarily subscribed to by this Institute or its websites.

Certain links on the website lead to resources located on other websites maintained by third parties over whom CSIR-IMTech has no control or connection. These websites are external to CSIR-IMTech and by visiting these; you are outside the CSIR-IMTech website and its channels. CSIR-IMTech neither endorses in any way nor offers any judgment or warranty and accepts no responsibility or liability for the authenticity, availability of any of the goods or services or for any damage, loss or harm, direct or consequential or any violation of local or international laws that may be incurred by your visiting and transacting on these websites.


Last Modified Date:- 31-01-2025