Core R&D Biochemical Engineering Data Science Infectious Diseases Microbial Ecosystems Medicinal Chemistry Protein Science Infectious Diseases Dr. Sanjeev Khosla Expertise Epigenetics, Microbe-host interaction +91-172-2880100 director[at]imtech[dot]res[dot]in Lab: 2880170 Dr. Karthikeyan Subramanian Expertise Biochemistry, Protein crystallography, Structural Biology +91-172-2880193 skarthik[at]imtech[dot]res[dot]in Lab: 2880193 Dr. Charu Sharma Expertise Molecular Cell Biology +91-172-2880309 charu[at]imtech[dot]res[dot]in Lab: 2880310 Dr. Vinod Chaudhari Expertise Drug discovery, Green Chemistry and total synthesis, Medicinal Chemistry, Organic Chemistry +91-172-2880153 vinod[dot]chaudhari[at]imtech[dot]res[dot]in Lab: 2880152 Dr. Hemraj S. Nandanwar Expertise Bacterial Drug Resistance and Drug Discovery, Bioactive Screening, Clinical Microbiology +91-172-2880338 hemraj[at]imtech[dot]res[dot]in Lab: 2880339 Dr. Dibyendu Sarkar Expertise Biochemistry and Molecular Microbiology +91-172-2880258 dibyendu[at]imtech[dot]res[dot]in Lab: 2880259 Dr. Rajeev Kumar Tyagi Expertise +91-172-2880279 rajeevtyagi[at]imtch[dot]res[dot]in Lab: 2880279 Dr. Ashwani Kumar Expertise Tuberculosis pathogenesis +91-172-2880305 ashwanik[at]imtech[dot]res[dot]in Lab: 2880306 Dr. Pradip Sen Expertise Cell Biology, Immunology and Biotherapeutics +91-172-2880276 psen[at]imtech[dot]res[dot]in Lab: 2880277 Dr. Anshu Bhardwaj Expertise Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Crowdsourcing, Drug discovery, Genome annotation +91-172-2880460 anshu[at]imtech[dot]res[dot]in Lab: 2880462 Dr. Pawan Gupta Expertise Cell Biology, Molecular Immunology, Nuclear Receptors +91-172-2880221 pawan[at]imtech[dot]res[dot]in Lab: 2880222 Dr. Imtiyaz Yaseen Expertise Antimicrobial drug Resistance, Chromatin Biology NA imtiyaz[at]imtech[dot]res[dot]in Lab: NA Dr. Deepak Sharma Expertise Chaperone Biology +91-172-2880478 deepaks[at]imtech[dot]res[dot]in Lab: 2880478 Dr. Vijayender Bhalla Expertise Biosensors, Cardiac biomarkers, Diagnostics, Nanotechnology, Salmonella, Small molecules Immunodetection +91-172-2880234 vkbhalla[at]imtech[dot]res[dot]in Lab: 2880235 Dr. Saumya Ray Chaudhuri Expertise Microbial Physiology, Microbiome, Molecular Biology, Ocular disease and Gene Therapy, RNA modification, Yeast model system +91-172-2880242 saumya[at]imtech[dot]res[dot]in Lab: 2880242 Dr. Amit Tuli Expertise Cellular Immunology/Host-Pathogen Interactions/Membrane Trafficking +91-172-2880295 atuli[at]imtech[dot]res[dot]in Lab: 2880296 Dr. G. Rajamohan Expertise Acinetobacter, Antimicrobial resistance, Bacterial thrombolytics, Biology of healthcare associated pathogens, Human microbiome, Signaling proteins +91-172-2880254 rmohan[at]imtech[dot]res[dot]in Lab: 2880255 Dr. Dipak Dutta Expertise Microbial biochemistry, Transcription and Replication biology +91-172-2880263 dutta[at]imtech[dot]res[dot]in Lab: 2880264 Dr. Raman Parkesh Expertise Computational Drug Discovery, Medicinal Chemistry, Molecular Dynamics and Chemical Biology +91-172-2880488 rparkesh[at]imtech[dot]res[dot]in Lab: 2880489 Dr. Manoj Kumar (On-lien) Expertise Antivirals, Epidemiology, Viral Bioinformatics/Cheminformatics, Virology, Viromics +91-172-2880158 manojk[at]imtech[dot]res[dot]in Lab: 2880159