Technology Platforms BioInformatics Centre Project Management & Business Development iCARE Instrumentation Services Division Microbial Type Culture Collection BioInformatics Centre Dr. Anshu Bhardwaj Expertise Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Crowdsourcing, Drug discovery, Genome annotation +91-172-2880460 anshu[at]imtech[dot]res[dot]in Lab: 2880462 Dr. Srikrishna Subramanian Expertise Big Data Analytics, Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Microbial Genomics and Metagenomics, Protein Science, Structural Biology +91-172-2880483 krishna[at]imtech[dot]res[dot]in Lab: 2880483 Dr. Balvinder Singh Expertise Protein sequence analysis, Protein structure prediction its annotation and biomolecular modeling +91-172-2880452 bvs[at]imtech[dot]res[dot]in Lab: 2880467 Mr. Chander Shekhar Sharma Expertise EE-MACs, Firewalls, System Administration, Virtual Tours, Web-Development +91-172-2880457 shekhar[at]imtech[dot]res[dot]in Lab: 2880465